Extended Abstract Content, Format & Features

All extended abstracts should be written in English. 

Extended abstract:

- should not exceed 4 pages including the references 
- pages should not be numbered
- should be composed of the sections of abstract and keywords, introduction/objective, method and data, results and discussion, conclusion and references
may contain figures, tables, mathematical formulas or images (maximum 6 figures/photographs/tables)
- will be used by the Scientific Committee as the basis for acceptance of the paper for presentation. After acceptance and presentation, the paper will be included in the Conference Proceedings.

Authors are kindly requested to use the template and follow the instructions accurately.

This template is designed using the standard setting; kindly copy and paste your text to the template.

Presentations can use the Safe Thessaloniki logo (click here to download the logo) 


Extended abstracts should be in electronic form (MS-Word) and submitted online.

The extended abstracts that will be included in the Conference program will be published electronically in the Conference Proceedings after the end of the event.