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Safe Greece 2020 on-line

The constant objective of Safe Greece is to introduce and utilize new technologies for the benefit of Civil Protection at international, national, regional and local levels. Since 2014 we organize an annual Conference in different venue of Greece each time keeping the same objective.

However, because of the uncertainty that prevails this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic we decided to avoid organizing a Conference with physical presence as usually but to take advantage of the new technologies for an on-line Conference.

The "7th International Conference on Civil Protection and New Technologies - Safe Greece 2020” will be held on-line, bringing -as always- in contact people from Science and Technology, Local Governments and Central Administration, Private Sector and Voluntary Organizations from Greece and abroad aiming to:

- strengthen interdisciplinarity and cooperation in Civil Protection, as times demand,

- utilize various new technological achievements for the benefit of Civil Protection,

- exchange of experience, lessons learned and good practices,

- discuss on contemporary challenges and legislation about Civil Protection



Safe Greece