Α modern and efficient Civil Protection needs the synergy and coordinated actions by all the stakeholders related to Civil Protection (CP) and representing local, regional, national and international CP bodies, the public and private domains, the High-End Technologies and the Academic Community. The main aim of the initiative is to bring together all these stakeholders by organizing regularly conferences under the name Safe Greece with national and international participation.
CIVIL PROTECTION STAKEHOLDERSBodies of Local, Regional and State Authorities, voluntary organizations and Security Forces are involved in the Civil Protection mission at the operational level.
ACADEMIC COMMUNITYScientists with specializations related to natural and technological disasters and all kinds of crises enrich with knowledge, experience and expertise the Civil Protection mission..
HIGH-END TECHNOLOGY REPRESENTATIVESProducing high-end technology services and tools supporting the mission of Civil Protection..